Gastric antrum congestion causes a very uncomfortable feeling for the patient and directly affects health. So what is gastric antrum congestion and how does this disease affect health? MEDLATEC will help readers answer the above questions in the following article.
1. Learn about gastric antrum congestion
The pylorus is an important organ located near the end of the stomach, helping to digest food. More specifically, this organ is responsible for breaking down food so that the stomach can absorb nutrients more effectively. However, this function also makes the pylorus susceptible to inflammation due to harmful substances present in food.
The gastric antrum can become inflamed and congested due to the impact of many factors.
Inflammation, swelling, and congestion of the mucosa will lead to gastritis. The inflammation in this area is often yellow or red. If left untreated for a long time, the inflammation will become worse and affect the digestion of food.
2. Symptoms of antral gastritis
Many patients with gastric antrum congestion have no specific signs, but some will have specific symptoms, depending on the severity of the inflammation.
- Epigastric pain: Most patients with antral gastritis have epigastric pain. In addition, the pain can spread to the chest, shoulders, and back, especially after a full meal or when lying down. The pain is often dull or intermittent.
- Heartburn, acid reflux: This is also an easily seen symptom of this disease because food is difficult to digest.
- Nausea or vomiting: Inflammation disrupts the ability of the antrum to crush food. This causes food to stagnate in the stomach and causes symptoms of vomiting or nausea.
- Tired body: Poor digestion of food over time causes the patient to become malnourished, thin, have pale skin, lose weight, etc., making the body tired.
Gastritis has a significant impact on patient health.
3. Why is the gastric antrum inflamed and congested?
There are many causes of gastric antrum inflammation and congestion such as:
- HP bacteria infection: Most patients with antral gastritis are caused by HP bacteria. They cause inflammation and damage to the gastric mucosa, then spread to the antrum and cause congestion there.
- Unhealthy eating: Eating a lot of processed foods, spicy foods, foods that are high in fat and difficult to digest are also some of the causes of gastritis. In addition, eating too much or being too hungry also increases the risk of this disease.
- Anxiety, prolonged stress: Our psychology and mental health also have a great impact on the health of the stomach. People who are always anxious and stressed will disrupt the nervous system, thereby disrupting the function of the stomach and increasing the risk of gastritis. In addition, stress also weakens the immune system, so the stomach is more susceptible to disease.
- Insomnia: Insomnia or poor quality sleep also greatly affects the stomach. When there is little rest, they will increase gastric acid secretion even when the stomach is empty at night. This causes the gastric mucosa in general and the mucosa of the antrum in particular to be eroded, causing antral congestion.
- Suffering from autoimmune disease: People with autoimmune diseases often have weak resistance. They are susceptible to many different diseases, including antral gastritis.
- Use a lot of alcohol, beer: This is a common cause in people with gastritis in general and antral gastritis in particular.
Gastritis can occur due to many causes.
4. How does antral gastritis affect health?
Most diseases, if not treated according to the doctor's instructions, will cause unpredictable dangers to health and antral gastritis is no exception. If left untreated, the disease can cause rupture of blood vessels, causing gastric bleeding. If this condition occurs, the patient often vomits blood or has black stools, which can be life-threatening.
If antral gastritis caused by HP bacteria is not treated, it will become a chronic disease, increasing the risk of gastric mucosal atrophy and stomach cancer. Of course, not all patients experience this complication.
If not intervened early, the disease can cause many consequences to health and life.
5. How to diagnose the disease
After a clinical examination, the doctor will prescribe some more specific imaging and testing methods to give a final diagnosis:
- Gastroscopy: This method is used to determine the location of the inflamed antrum and the degree of inflammation.
- Blood tests: This method is used to see if the patient's blood has antibodies against HP bacteria.
- Breath test to determine if the patient has a stomach infection.
6. How to treat antral gastritis?
6.1. Use of medication
As mentioned above, gastritis is caused by many factors. In cases where the cause is HP bacteria, the doctor will choose the appropriate HP eradication regimen.
In addition, to minimize the effects of acid on the gastric mucosa, patients may have to take certain medications such as proton pump inhibitors, selective H2 receptor inhibitors, etc.
Note: Patients should not buy and use drugs on their own. For effective treatment, patients need to have a specific examination and follow the doctor's instructions.
6.2. Change eating and living habits
Besides medical treatment, patients also need to change their eating and living habits to quickly push back the disease:
- Prioritize eating foods that are good for your health and digestive system such as fruits, green vegetables, and easily digestible foods.
- Avoid packaged foods or processed foods, spicy foods, fried foods, and fast foods.
- Eat, drink and sleep on time. Don't eat too much or too little.
- Absolutely avoid smoking, do not use carbonated drinks, alcohol or stimulants.
- You should not stay up late, should rest more to avoid stress.
- Pay attention to daily exercise to relax and feel comfortable.
To prevent and treat the disease, patients need to eat and rest properly.
Above is the information you need to know about the disease. antral gastritis stomach. To treat this disease and protect your health, you should go to the clinic immediately when you have suspicious signs. medical prestigious as the Gastroenterology department of MEDLATEC Healthcare System. To make an appointment, you can contact the hotline number 1900 56 56 56 of MEDLATEC for more specific advice.