Any imperfections on the skin can affect aesthetics and make many people feel self-conscious. In particular, the condition of the skin having dilated capillaries, where tiny blood vessels can be observed on the surface of the skin, causing uneven skin color is also a problem that worries many women. So is there an effective serum to restore thin skin with blood vessels?
1. Learn about the condition of thin skin with blood vessels
Before learning about Serum restores thin skin with blood vessels Below is some information to help readers better understand this skin condition.
1.1. Thin skin condition with blood vessels
Thin skin with blood vessels is a condition of dilated capillaries in the skin. More specifically, you can see tiny blood vessels about 0.1mm in size linked together to form a spider web shape with the naked eye.
The skin areas that often show exposed blood vessels are the nose, temples, cheeks, etc. In addition to affecting aesthetics, some cases of abnormal capillary exposure can be accompanied by a feeling of dryness, painful to touch,…
The skin reveals tiny blood vessels shaped like spider webs
1.2. Cause
The cause of thin skin with blood vessels can come from many different factors, from outside or inside the body, specifically:
- You are born with thin skin, making blood vessels more visible than normal skin.
- The skin is regularly exposed to high temperature sunlight and UV rays, which affects the collagen structure and affects the tissue under the skin, causing blood vessels to expand and become visible.
- Corticoid poisoning of the skin due to the use of products of unknown origin causes the skin's epidermis to be eroded and the natural skin barrier to be lost. Accompanied by symptoms such as skin tightness, pain when touched, blisters, tiny pimples, etc.
Corticoid poisoning is a common cause of thinning and weakening of the skin, leading to exposed blood vessels and many other problems
- Hormonal changes during pregnancy, postpartum or during premenopause in women affect skin condition
- The natural aging process causes the skin to lack collagen and moisture combined with environmental factors that reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby causing dilation.
2. Serums to restore thin skin with blood vessels
In fact, on the market today there is no separate blood vessel recovery serum. However, users can use active ingredients that prevent agents that cause this condition to improve their skin such as:
2.1. Retinol
Retinol is an active ingredient in the group of Vitamin A derivatives that is widely used in many products to care for and restore healthy skin. Retinol is Serum restores thin skin with blood vessels Recommended by many dermatologists thanks to its ability to increase cell proliferation and stimulate collagen in the skin. When using retinol regularly for a long time, it will help skin cells grow and bond more tightly, increasing elasticity and blurring exposed blood vessels on the skin.
The active ingredient retinol is Serum restores thin skin with blood vessels common
In addition to exposed skin due to aging or overuse of corticosteroids, retinol is also effective in supporting the treatment of hidden acne and cystic acne. However, when using retinol, it can cause dryness and sensitivity on the skin, so you should consult your doctor to choose the right retinol concentration for your skin condition.
2.2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C has many benefits in restoring and improving healthy skin such as: stimulating collagen growth, preventing aging, improving skin damage, limiting oxidative imbalance of free radicals,... Thanks to that, vitamin C is considered Serum restores thin skin with blood vessels Effective and safe for users.
At the same time, vitamin C also has the ability to help treat acne and reduce dark spots. The concentration of vitamin C in serum when used on the skin is recommended at a safe level of 10% - 20% and needs to be combined with skin protection methods such as sunscreen and shielding when exposed to the sun.
Vitamin C helps prevent aging and optimize skin damage
2.3. Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is a popular ingredient in intensive skin care products to regenerate and restore the skin. The uses of vitamin B5 cannot be ignored such as:
- Increase skin moisture to avoid dehydration, which affects tissue connectivity and exposes capillaries under the skin.
- Pushes back signs of aging, reduces wrinkles thanks to its ability to stimulate the production of collagen, glycan and elastin.
- Supports healthy cell development, creating a strong barrier to protect the skin from UV rays, environmental pollution, dust,...
- Supports the recovery and regeneration of thin, weak skin due to corticosteroid poisoning when using cosmetics of unknown origin.
Serum B5 helps regenerate and restore healthy skin
In addition, for skin that is using retinol combined with vitamin B5 to help promote skin regeneration more effectively. Some B5 serums contain HA (Hyaluronic Acid), Niacinamide, etc. to help enhance moisturizing effectiveness and improve skin damage.
3. Some notes when taking care of thin skin with exposed blood vessels
- Limit the use of hot water when washing your face to avoid breaking tiny blood vessels on the skin.
- Avoid skin care products that contain friction particles that damage the epidermis on the skin's surface.
- For skin with exposed capillaries due to corticosteroid abuse, stop using the product immediately and see a dermatologist for timely treatment.
- Make sure to provide enough moisture to the skin, especially for people living in dry climates or often sitting in air-conditioned rooms. Moisturizing creams, serums or masks can be added to your daily skin care routine.
Moisturized skin helps minimize the condition of weak skin exposing blood vessels
- Use sunscreen daily to protect your skin from the effects of UV rays.
- Deep cleansing to remove dirt, sebum, and bacteria on the skin is the leading factor contributing to enhancing the effectiveness of serum on the skin.
- Choose skin care products of genuine origin and brand and have been consulted by a dermatologist to ensure safety when used.
- Do not arbitrarily use products or folk tips that have not been tested for safety to avoid more serious skin conditions.
- Drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of filtered water every day.
- Add fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the skin such as oranges, grapefruit, tomatoes, pomegranates, apples, etc.
- Limit staying up late to avoid weakening skin health and increasing the risk of telangiectasia.
- The condition of thin skin with blood vessels often takes a long time to treat, so users need to patiently use products for at least 2 months or more to feel the changes in their skin.
General, Serum restores thin skin with blood vessels is a solution that acts from outside the skin to help improve weak skin conditions. If you are experiencing unsightly skin with blood vessels, it is best to go to a medical facility that specializes in Dermatology to have your skin examined more thoroughly by a doctor, and then advise on skin care methods. effective and safe. A medical address you can choose is the Dermatology department MEDLATEC Healthcare System. Please contact the hotline immediately 1900 56 56 56 of MEDLATEC If you need to schedule an appointment and need further assistance.