When seeing signs of landslides (such as bulging ground, strange sounds underground; cracks in foundations and walls), people need to immediately take preventive measures and evacuate promptly.
Due to the impact of storm No. 3 (storm Yagi), the North is suffering from heavy rain, many places are "submerged" in a vast sea of water, causing severe impacts. According to the forecast of the meteorological agency, many areas in the provinces Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Cao Bang, Thai Nguyen,… flood water continues to rise, in purple warning level – risk of flash floods and landslides is very high.
Faced with the above situation, Director of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Trinh Hai Son recommends that when people see signs of landslides (such as the ground swelling, shaking, strange sounds underground; cracks in the foundation, walls, hillsides; leaning trees; river water turning cloudy), they need to immediately inform local authorities and people around to prevent them.
Mr. Son also noted that people, especially those living in areas where authorities have predicted and warned of the potential for landslides, flash floods, mudflows, etc., need to comply with recommendations and announcements about times to stay off the streets and travel times in areas at risk of landslides.
People must be extremely vigilant and take precautions when there are signs of flash floods and landslides, especially when there is prolonged heavy rain; stay away from areas at risk of flash floods and landslides such as mountain slopes, areas adjacent to rivers and streams, dangerous areas and move to safe areas as prescribed by local authorities.
In addition, local authorities need to monitor and quickly evacuate people in the area if there is a major risk.
Source: https://www.vietnamplus.vn/chuyen-gia-dia-chat-chia-se-cach-nhan-dien-nguy-co-sat-lo-dat-de-phong-tranh-post975410.vnp