
Does using lubricants affect sperm?

I like to use lubricants for gentle sex, but my husband says it's dangerous for sperm, the quality of "sperm...

Proposing health insurance to pay for andrology treatment drugs

Andrological diseases are included in the list of international disease classifications by the World Health Organization, but drugs...

Does white urine dilute sperm?

Many people say that milky urine dilutes sperm, causing impaired sexual function and erectile dysfunction. This...

How 'love' changes with age

Men and women both have high physiological needs in their 20s, then gradually decrease due to changes in...

Does cycling cause erectile dysfunction?

Many people say that cycling too much causes the nerves in the genital area to be compressed, leading to erectile dysfunction. This has...

Does keeping your phone in your pocket cause infertility?

Does regularly keeping your phone in your pocket affect your sexual ability and reproductive function? (Male,...

Losing money 'unjustly' burning genital acne

Hanoi, 20-year-old young man, circumcised, medical staff discovered many tiny particles in his penis...

Male examination at Tan Binh General Clinic, 495 Cong Hoa, Ho Chi Minh City

Operation orientation of Tan Binh General ClinicOne of the main orientations of Tan Binh General Clinic...

The woman is allergic to sperm

Hanoi: A 30-year-old woman, married for three years, but has no children because every sex is itchy...

Low testosterone causes many American men to choose to live in seclusion

Due to low testosterone levels in the body, many men leave social relationships, do not get married...

Causes of testicular tumor

Tumors appearing in the testicles can be caused by varicocele, hydrocele, testicular torsion...

Correcting deformities for boys who can't stand to urinate

Quang Ninh 5-year-old boy has a birth defect with a low urinary hole that makes it difficult to urinate, having to urinate like...

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