industry selection consultant

According to the Human Resources Management industry, what else do you need to learn to avoid unemployment?

As a first-year student majoring in Human Resources Management, I want to know what skills this major requires to...

Should I borrow money to study Logistics college?

I want to go to school, but my family can't afford it. I'm thinking of taking out a loan to go to school. I hope to get advice. I intend to study...

Want to study Psychology but worried about not being able to get a job

I want to study Psychology, but my family is worried because this field is not popular in Vietnam. I'm a student...

Is studying Chinese Education easy to get a job?

I think Chinese will be popular in schools, so I plan to study Chinese Education. Hi everybody. IAM...

If you get 5 points/subject, will you have the opportunity to study IC Design?

After completing my military service, I want to go to university but my starting point is low, only about 15 points...

Is studying Pedagogy or Business Administration easier to get a job?

Dad likes Education, and I'm studying Business Administration but am worried about job opportunities. I'm very...

Confused about studying French Language

I am a first-year student, majoring in French Language at a top business school, but this is not a major...

Studying Environmental Engineering but doing Occupational Safety, can you get promoted?

With a degree in environmental engineering, can I apply for a job and advance in the field of Occupational Safety? I am...

If I fail a programming course, should I change to another major?

In the first semester, I failed the introductory programming course, so I was very discouraged. I thought it wasn't suitable for information technology, so...

Should I switch from Computer Science to Economics?

I don't like sitting a lot to code, so I plan to switch to Economics. I am a student majoring in Computer Science at...

Can a Bachelor of English Language study with a second degree in English Education?

I have a bachelor's degree in English from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, and want to study a second degree in English Education...

Study Economic Law or Chemical Engineering Technology?

I don't know which major to choose and what the salary is. I hope everyone can give me advice. I have strengths...

Which Pedagogical major should I study to learn English well?

I'm the best at English and want to go to Pedagogical College, but I don't know what major to major in. This year I'm in class...

What do you do after studying Maritime Management?

I looked on the recruitment website and found few jobs related to Maritime Management so I wondered about job opportunities...

Studying Human Resource Management often work as a team leader?

I heard that studying Human Resources Management often leads to team leader or department leader positions, is that suitable for...

Questions about jobs and salaries in Chemical Engineering Technology

I want to major in Chemical Engineering Technology but don't know what the prospects are for this major in Vietnam. I...

Is it a waste to major in Chemistry but want to do design?

I plan to take the Chemistry major when I enter 10th grade, but my dream is to become a designer in the future. Is this choice a waste...

Should I study Information Technology or Computer Science?

I want to be a tester (software testing) but don't know whether to choose Information Technology or Computer Science. I...

Where to study Information Technology to university?

I'm working and want to study to university but don't know where to study in Hanoi. I graduated...

If you're not good at Physics, should you study IT?

I like Information Technology (IT) but this field has a general subject of Physics, I'm not good at this subject so...

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