Ma Thi Di (Sa Pa town, province) Lao Cai) – main character in the documentary Children in the Mist Directed by director Ha Le Diem, she shared her feelings about her life in the seminar "Out of the Mist" organized by the Vietnam Women's Museum.

– Many Hmong girls around 13 or 14 years old want to get married, why is Di against the custom of capturing wives? 

At home, I could not help my parents, being scolded was still sad, angry, arguing. Even though the other male friend's family agreed, I felt that I was not mature enough to be his wife.

I want to go to school, if my husband still goes to school, my friends will avoid me.

Ma Thi Di at the talk "Step out of the fog".

– What difficulties do Di and his peers face?

In the place where I live, many women are still unprotected, facing many difficulties, they cannot fulfill their dreams.

At my age or even younger, some of you were forced to get married by your parents, did not go to school, and couldn't even apply for a job to help support the family.

The prohibition of your parents made you feel unloved, supported and encouraged by your family, so you left.

– Di can reveal a little about the husband, the two of you came together from the custom of pulling a wife?

My husband and I were close together, knew each other and liked each other, then moved in together. I followed my husband home without anyone having to drag me. Husband is now 26 years old.

– The husband is more than 7 years old, this is also quite special for the Mong people?

When I came to my husband, I did not follow the custom of pulling my wife, and when I returned home, I was told a lot, even older than many years. But I let go of it all, just need to find someone who loves, understands and tries to build the future together.

My parents-in-law worked very hard but both raised their children to college, it was a good foundation, I didn't have to think about it at all.

We came home together and will fulfill our dreams. I started a brocade weaving business. At home, I worked TravelAfter the movie Children in the Mist, I am more known and accessible to growth opportunities.

– In the movie The Children in the Mist, when asked "what will you do when you grow up", Di said he doesn't know, and now? 

Now that I have a family, my current dream is to develop culture and preserve national identity.

I want to open a homestay, then I can create conditions for women around me to have jobs. Exploiting indigenous cultural capital for tourism is the best way to preserve national identity.

When women have jobs, have an economy, they will be respected by their husbands more. Because many highland women still suffer from domestic violence.

The women here are very fond of my mother because she is carried around by me. Although his father still drinks alcohol, he still loves and cares for his mother.

Many women want to have such a life, so I think if I succeed, I will help women here gain more knowledge, get in touch with people outside, to know that world There are many interesting things out there.

Thanks to appearing in the film by director Ha Le Diem, I was able to go to many places and realized that I still lacked many things. I will go back to school to add new knowledge.