After 10 years of implementing Conclusion No. 16-KL/TW, dated February 14, 02 of the XI Politburo on the Strategy for developing foreign information for the period 2012 - 2011, foreign information work has achieved great results. important results, contributing to enhancing Vietnam's position and reputation in the international arena, protecting the Party's ideological foundation, fighting against wrong, hostile views, distorted rhetoric, and failed plot to sabotage the Party, the State, the regime, the cause of innovation, construction and defense of the Fatherland. However, foreign information work still has some limitations and inadequacies: it does not fully and deeply reflect the country's outstanding achievements; The implementation of tasks is still scattered, lacking focus and emphasis; There is no close coordination, unity, and synchronization among agencies and organizations in the political system; Some party committees and organizations are not fully aware of the importance of foreign information; The work of fighting against and preventing bad and distorted information is at times and places not very effective; Investment in resources is not up to the task.
In the coming time, it is forecast that the world and regional situation will continue to evolve rapidly, complexly, and unpredictablely. Besides opportunities and advantages, our country also faces many difficulties and challenges. To contribute to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, it is necessary to continue to improve the quality and effectiveness of foreign information work to meet the requirements of the new period.
1. Perspective
– Foreign information work is an important part of the Party's political, ideological and foreign affairs work, state diplomacy and people's diplomacy; is a regular, long-term task of the entire political system under the Party's leadership.
– Close connection, synchronous implementation, with focus and focus between foreign information and domestic information, between party foreign affairs, state diplomacy and people's foreign affairs. Promoting the combined strength of the entire political system, while encouraging the active participation of the people, Vietnamese compatriots abroad and international friends. Foreign information needs to be ahead of the curve and highly predictive; Harmonious combination of "building" and "fighting".
– Constantly innovate content and diversify foreign information methods according to the motto "Proactive, synchronous, timely, creative, effective", suitable to the needs of subjects, regions, domestic and foreign areas, with a focus on countries and territories that have a great influence on national development.
2. Goals
Promote propaganda and promotion of Vietnam as a country of peace, friendship, cooperation, development, a friend, a trusted partner, an active and responsible member of the international community, contributing enhance the position and prestige of the country and the Communist Party of Vietnam in the international arena; Arousing the spirit of patriotism, strengthening the strength of great national unity and the desire to develop a prosperous and happy country; strengthen people's trust in the Party, State and socialist regime; Effectively deploy the Party and State's foreign policy; Take advantage of the sympathy and support of the international community, create favorable conditions for the cause of innovation, building and protecting the Fatherland, successfully implementing the Resolution of the 2045th Party Congress and development goals country until XNUMX.
1. Continue to thoroughly grasp, concretize, and organize the effective implementation of the Party's policies on foreign information work. Raise awareness and responsibility of party committees, party organizations, governments at all levels, leaders, officials, party members and people, especially agencies and organizations assigned to do information work foreign Affair; Ensure the highest national and ethnic interests, in accordance with relations between Vietnam and other countries, the United Nations Charter, and international law.
Focus on propagating, educating, fostering, and enhancing patriotism, national pride, and sense of responsibility in protecting and enhancing national and ethnic image for officials, party members, and people. , Vietnamese compatriots abroad, especially the younger generation. Promoting the role of people's friendship organizations, overseas associations, and people with prestige and positive influence in society; discover, praise, reward, and replicate good models, practices, or practical and effective contributions to foreign information work.
2. Strengthen coordination between agencies and organizations in the political system; Enhance the responsibilities of the Central Propaganda Department, Central Foreign Affairs Committee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, Ministry of Information and Communications, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Culture and Sports and Tourism, Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, Vietnam's representative agencies abroad and press agencies in performing foreign information tasks. Promoting the coordination mechanism and the guiding role of the Central Steering Committee for Foreign Information Work; Build an appropriate, effective and timely speaking mechanism to provide necessary information, especially information for sensitive and complex issues.
Enhance responsibility for state management and awareness of law observance; continue to improve relevant mechanisms and policies; Effectively overcome limitations and inadequacies in leadership, direction, management, assignment of responsibilities, coordination, information exchange, inspection, supervision, and handling of violations in foreign information work . Focus on research, analysis, and forecasting activities; Regularly update information and data on the needs and trends of the public at home and abroad, and the awareness and attitudes of the international community to improve the effectiveness of foreign information.
3. Continue to innovate the content and methods of foreign information, focusing on introducing and strongly spreading to the international community the history, traditions, image of the country, people, culture, and achievements of the work. innovation, values, noble thoughts of the Vietnamese people, theory, practice of socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam, the leadership role of the Party, superiority of the regime, Vietnam's contribution to the cultural treasure, human knowledge... Strengthen propaganda, honor, and introduce the ideological values, ethics, and style of President Ho Chi Minh; Vietnamese celebrities are honored by the world. Selectively absorb cultural quintessence, universal progressive values of humanity, international experience... to promptly meet domestic information needs; ensure the Party's views, guidelines and policies in foreign information on international and regional issues, and Vietnam's role in global issues; proactively build an international public opinion front supporting Vietnam.
Actively innovate foreign information work in a professional, modern, effective, practical direction, suitable to the needs of exchanging and accessing information of different subjects; Harmonious and flexible coordination between foreign affairs, state diplomacy, and people-to-people diplomacy; continue to expand the use of popular languages and promote the application of science - technology and digital transformation in foreign information.
Diversify and integrate foreign information in propaganda, press, publishing, Travel, international activities held in Vietnam, Vietnamese activities in other countries, activities of Vietnamese compatriots abroad... Closely combine the activities of mass media; promote the development of the cultural industry to strongly promote and spread the values and identity of Vietnamese culture; improve the operational efficiency of Vietnam's information and cultural centers in key countries, territories and areas around the world; assign specific tasks and have a mutual support mechanism between forces participating in the foreign information front; Pay attention to building a quick reaction force in cyberspace and international communication.
4. Promote the fight against false and negative information that is harmful to national interests, the country's development process and the Party's leadership role. Ensure positive information is the main stream of information; Resolutely overcome the situation of providing inaccurate, false, unverified information, and information inconsistent with Vietnamese customs and culture. Proactively and promptly provide information and clarify inaccurate, incomplete or false information; Promptly and effectively refute information and allegations that are false, distorted, inciting, and contrary to the Party's guidelines and viewpoints.
5. Strengthen State resources, encourage and mobilize social resources for foreign information work, especially resources for the activities of agencies directly engaged in foreign information work and representative agencies. Vietnamese representation abroad; build national radio and television channels for foreign affairs in foreign languages on par with the region and the world; create conditions for the activities of press agencies residing abroad; Consolidate and improve the effectiveness of the system of foreign information clusters at border gates and borders. Encourage socialization and development of cultural and tourist facilities in strategic areas.
Build a team of specialized officials working in foreign information work with strong political will, sufficient qualities, capacity, and qualifications in a professional and modern manner. Improve the quality of training and fostering specialized foreign information information at training establishments. Expand international cooperation in training and fostering officials in fields related to foreign information.
1. Party committees and organizations at all levels thoroughly grasp, develop programs, plans, and organize the strict implementation of this Conclusion.
2. The National Assembly Party Committee and the Government Party Committee direct the amendment and supplementation of relevant legal documents. The Government Party Committee directs the concretization and development of mechanisms and policies, ensuring resources for foreign information work.
3. The Central Propaganda Department presides over and coordinates with relevant agencies to thoroughly organize, guide the implementation, inspect and supervise the implementation of this Conclusion, and periodically report to the Politburo.
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