Dissemination of knowledge

Engineer 'transforms' seeds to germinate super fast

Luong Van Truong's (34 years old) ready-made sprouted seed production solution helps farmers not need to soak...

Cool soup from field crabs

Crab cooked with spinach, spinach, water spinach, has the effect of cooling the body, stimulating eating, ...

Signs of heatstroke, heatstroke

You feel heart palpitations, dizziness, headache, sweating in the hot sun, most likely heatstroke, shock...

Should babies sleep in the air conditioner or not?

Do I need to give my new-born baby abstain from air conditioning? Currently, the family is afraid that the child is cold or the air conditioner is not...

The disease that made Megan Fox hate her body

Dubbed a Hollywood beauty, Megan Fox always feels ugly because she has muscular dysmorphic syndrome...

Notes on diet in the summer

In the summer, the body digests more slowly but still needs energy, so people should not cut back too much.

Doctor researches 'viewfinder' to support knee replacement with 1/10 imported price

The device developed by a group of doctors and engineers at VinUni University is like a viewfinder to help with knee replacement...

Herbs are not good for people with high blood pressure

Kim Sa, ginseng, licorice, ... are familiar and good for health, but have side effects that cause high blood pressure, need...

How to soothe a child when he gets vaccinated for the first time

Parents can ask the doctor to use anesthetic to relieve pain, comfort and feed the baby, use...

Underground works protect the ancient town from flooding for thousands of years

Friday, May 19, 5, 2023:00 (GMT+00) China Phuc Tho Cau, an underground sewer built in the Northern Song Dynasty about 7 years ago, has protected...

Simple tips to help you sleep well when it's hot

Experts advise opening the windows slightly if the temperature is not too high, lying close to the ground, using blankets made from fiber ...

What to do to help children increase summer activity?

Parents need to let children drink enough water, eat on time and have enough nutrients to have enough energy for exercise. When...

Proper understanding of the expiration date of vaccines

Thursday, May 18, 5, 2023:13 (GMT+00) The following quiz answers about expiration dates and checks vaccine information so that people can...

Why do I wear sunscreen but still get black?

Choose the wrong SPF number, don't reapply the cream after sweating or the time before going out too...

Benefits of watermelon for the heart

Recent studies show that eating watermelon helps reduce the amount of saturated fatty acids, added sugars, improve health...

Signs that you are eating too much salt

Signs of people eating too much salt are water retention, swelling, frequent headaches, constant thirst, ...

Simple secret to reverse 14 years of biological age

With simple habits of sleep, exercise and eating habits, Chris Mirabile, 39 years old, has reversed...

Drinking ginger roasted black bean juice helps to lose weight?

I am overweight, I was told that drinking roasted black bean juice with ginger will lose weight quickly, can this be done...

The kind of paper money that depreciated 1.000% in the Yuan Dynasty

Paper money first appeared in China and circulated widely during the Yuan Dynasty, but wars and turmoil caused...

Old men who give birth at the age of 90

The world has recorded some fathers when they are over 90 or over 100 years old, but doctors say that birth...

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