Does drinking coffee in the morning help rejuvenate?

Does drinking coffee in the morning help rejuvenate?

Starting a new day with health news, readers can also see more articles: Unexpected benefits of walking 8.000 steps/day; Does eating late at night really cause weight gain?; White vegetables and special health benefits…

Coffee lovers are more than happy to hear this news

Drinking coffee in the morning is a habit that helps a doctor specializing in longevity rejuvenate up to decades.

Mr. Mark Hyman, founder and medical director of UltraWellness Center (USA), an international leading doctor in the field of functional medicine, despite being 63 years old, his measurements show him. has a biological age of only 43.

Coffee lovers will be happy to hear this news - Photo 1.

Drinking coffee in the morning helps a doctor specializing in longevity rejuvenate

Biological age is a measure of how healthy a cell is. And this doctor has reduced his biological age by 20 years with just 4 morning habits.

Wake up at 6 o'clock, meditate for 20 minutes. First, he woke up at 6 a.m. and meditated for 20 minutes. A variety of studies have proven meditation leads to better mental health and reduced stress. Stress levels that are too high can accelerate aging.

An article published in an academic journal Frontiers of Psychology shows that exercise can also help reduce inflammation, another sign of aging.

Drink a cup of coffee in the morning. After meditating, Dr. Hyman drank a cup of coffee and sat down to write – he is also a famous best-selling author.

The antioxidants in coffee have been shown to help reduce inflammation, while some studies show that coffee helps reduce the risk of heart disease and dementia, among other benefits. Readers can see more of this article on health page March 18.7, XNUMX.

Unexpected benefits of walking 8.000 steps/day

Walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A new study confirms that to prevent cardiovascular disease, people only need to take 8.000 steps / day and only need 2 days a week is enough.

Even though walking is a simple activity, it has many health benefits such as strengthening bones, improving balance, controlling high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and many other chronic diseases. , according to the news site The Health Site.

Unexpected benefits of walking 8.000 steps / day - Photo 1.

Just walking 8.000 steps/day and at least 1-2 days/week also reduces the risk of heart disease

Walking is one of the most basic and safest exercises. Anyone can practice walking. Not only that, this type of exercise also does not require complicated equipment and machines.

In order to achieve the health benefits of walking, the goal of walking 10.000 steps/day is reached by many people. However, not everyone can achieve this number because for many people, it is a real challenge.

The goal of walking 10.000 steps/day right from the start is too high, especially for people who are overweight, obese or have no exercise habit. The next content of this article will be on health page March 18.7, XNUMX.

Does eating late at night really cause weight gain?

One of the most popular tips about weight is not to eat after 20 hours because it will cause weight gain. However, scientific studies show that eating late at night does not lead to weight gain. Eating late at night actually does not cause weight gain as people think.

Eating late at night really causes weight gain? - Photo 1.

Eating late at night will cause weight gain when that meal makes the body in a calorie surplus

Eating late at night causes weight gain is the conclusion of a study done on rats. The explanation for this is that eating late at night goes against circadian rhythms. Night is the time to sleep, not to eat. The study found that despite eating the same amount of calories, rats that ate late at night were more likely to gain weight.

However, many human studies have shown different results. These studies show that it's not when you eat that matters, but how many calories you eat. In other words, if a person eats late at night and the total calorie intake in meals during the day is equal to the calories consumed, it will not cause weight gain.

Besides, research also shows that people who eat after 20 hours tend to eat more, causing a calorie surplus. Excess calories in the long run is the main cause of weight gain. Let's start the day with health news To see more content of this article, please!

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