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Ho Chi Minh – Life and Cause


Hồ Chí Minh was born on May 19, 1890 in his mother’s native village, Hoàng Trù, Kim Liên Commune, Nam Đàn District, Nghệ Tĩnh Province. His father’s native place was Kim Liên Village and also Kim Liên Commune.
He was born and grew up at the time when our country was invaded by the French imperialists. From an independent, united and sovereign country, Việt Nam became a colonial, semi-feudal and divided country. The country was lost and the family destroyed. Under the oppression and exploitation by the French imperialists and their feudal agents, the Vietnamese people suffered from hunger and lived as ignorant slaves. In Vietnamese society, besides the basic contradictions between the Vietnamese people, chiefly between the peasants and the feudal class, there appeared another basic contradiction between the Vietnamese nation and the French imperialists. These two basic contradictions became fiercer and fiercer.


Sách trưng bày

Khách hàng mua sách của NXBTG liên hệ số điện thoại: +84912572299

Hồ Chí Minh was born on May 19, 1890 in his mother's native village, Hoàng Trù, Kim Liên Commune, Nam Đàn District, Nghệ Tĩnh Province. His father's native place was Kim Liên Village and also Kim Liên Commune.
He was born and grew up at the time when our country was invaded by the French imperialists. From an independent, united and sovereign country, Việt Nam became a colonial, semi-feudal and divided country. The country was lost and the family destroyed. Under the oppression and exploitation by the French imperialists and their feudal agents, the Vietnamese people suffered from hunger and lived as ignorant slaves. In Vietnamese society, besides the basic contradictions between the Vietnamese people, chiefly between the peasants and the feudal class, there appeared another basic contradiction between the Vietnamese nation and the French imperialists. These two basic contradictions became fiercer and fiercer.

Ngôn ngữ: tiếng Anh
Khổ sách: 11 x 20cm
Số trang: 148 trang


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